Sunday, December 30, 2012

On the Threshold of Death‏

On the Threshold of Death
Black heart bleeds.
Cut, stabbed.
Bruises bloom.
Fire surrounds.
Feeds the rain.
Fall steadily.
Symphonies of pain.
Eye contact, lost.
Flying bodies.
Leave me to die.

Who says Only Guys can PLAY?

Who says only guys can play? Screw it. I play way better than my boyfriend. Hahaha got a screen shot to prove it.

Well, he was the one who trained me with everything; I will say everything you know what I mean. Hahaha well you see, before we met I don’t play anything on the internet nor any offline games. At first we don’t seem to click. I’m the sort of girl who just stays quiet and just read a book in the corner. I enjoyed reading a book or two for a week… I even finished the 3 books of Twilight for just a whole week. Come to think of it.

He introduced me to the world of online games on the very first day that we started to out. Isn’t it kinda odd? He should have brought me to a movie or dinner or whatever cheesy sweet activities a new couple should have done. But oh well I honestly enjoyed the fact that he is unique. He’s totally different from the other guys I’ve dated before. He introduced “Perfect world” an online RPG (role playing game).

That’s my character on top. He said I will surely enjoy playing it since there’s a character there that uses pet to battle and to be honest I find it cute. I never imagined that I will love it. I even top the level! And his a level behind me.  I played that game for, lets see… 5 years now? And I’m still playing it even until now. And ofcourse his still my boyfriend. I’ve never dated a guy before that lasted even a year. Could be that his the one. Or is it that this game is the one? Hahahaha kidding….

Later he introduced a new game to me since he knew he can no longer beat me in the “Perfect World” … hahaha  I started playing “League Of Legends”. At first I told him I don’t like it since its somewhat the same as DOTA “Defense of the Ancients”. I thought it has a complicated keys like DOTA or something. But I came to like it even more than “Perfect World”. Every time he comes home (were living together now) I told him about all the battles I had and with whom and everything about the game, and he said “well lets try your skills out” we played “1on1” custom game. And here it is;

I picked my best character “Caitlyn”, and he also picked his best. But heres what happened on the very first few minutes of the game;

Hahahahaha I drew the FIRST BLOOD out of him. I thought I wont be able to beat him in this type of game. And I guess you know happens next;

Now who says only guys can play? Come at me… hahahaha
Game + Girls = Epic Sure WIN…. 

Am I right? Hahahaha 

Saturday, December 29, 2012


When I came to know you, you came to be my friend.
I detected your emotional bareness
And felt pity for your sins.
I could see the misery building up in your flooded eyes.
And could feel the agony deadening your heart, your soul, and mind.
I felt your want and urgency of wholesome fellowship.
So I came to be your friend in your time of need
and stuck by your side as thick as a tide indeed.
I began to trust your every word and every move.
For I had been in your very shoes.
In search for friends at one low point in my life.
Ones who would lift me up and be there for me.
I was fortunate to have found good friends and returned the gift
they gave me. Their friendship.
So I welcomed you as my friend and began to share my deepest secrets,
thoughts and fantasies with you.
Assuring you that my word stayed with you and only you.
I gave up my sincerity, my sympathy and loyalty to you.
Always sympathetic to your needs and concerns.
Hearing constantly every word of pain he brought to you.
Hearing every dirty talk said about you.
Your secrets became my secrets.
Most of all, I gave up the most important gift.
And that was my friendship.
It now seems to me that I gave it up for nothing,
You used and took advantage of the love I showed to you;
my friendship to you,
that was supposed to be valued
And trusted and lasting.
Now once again, I am suffering emotionally.
No, not cause I’m in search, and in need of friends.
But because I’ve been betrayed by one who had been called “my friend.”
One who I cordially invited to become “my friend”
One who I became a friend too.
Whom I thought was true.
But you can’t possibly turn to me just as I did you.
For you can’t be in my shoes cause you don’t recognize
that it takes a friend to be a friend.

MY Boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm actually on my free time right now . i have the leisure of typing as of the moment. my stupid boyfriend lock my room and now i cant enter my OWN room…. isn't that ridiculous? he’s simply stupid! his getting on my nerves. we only have one key to my room and his the one who keeps it. he went out to get something. i told him i’ll stay here in the terrace for a few minutes just to smoke for a awhile. when i was about to go back to my room only to find out it was freaking LOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his too stupid….stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid  stupid stupid stupid … Is there a word like supidiest? or supidier? spider whatever…. I’m pissed!!!!